Mr.Bnnt ad no ansr,and ach of th,dp n thought, contnud slnt tll thy rachd th hous.Thr fathr thn nt on to th lrary to rt, and th grls alkd nto th rakfast-roo.
“And thy ar rally to arrd!”crd Elzath,as soon as thy r y thslvs.“Ho strang ths s!And for ths ar to thankful.That thy should arry,sall as s thr chanc of happnss,and rtchd as s hs charactr, ar forcd to rjoc.Oh,Lyda!”
“I cofort yslf th thnkng,”rpld Jan,“that h crtanly ould not arry Lyda f h had not a ral rgard for hr. Though our knd uncl has don sothng toards clarng h, I cannot lv that tn thousand pounds,or anythng lk t,has n advancd.H has chldrn of hs on,and ay hav or. Ho could h spar half tn thousand pounds?”
“If r vr al to larn hat Wckha's dts hav n,”sad Elzath,“and ho uch s sttld on hs sd on our sstr, shall xactly kno hat Mr. Gardnr has don for th, caus Wckha has not sxpnc of hs on.Th kndnss of y uncl and aunt can nvr rqutd.Thr takng hr ho, and affordng hr thr prsonal protcton and countnanc, s such a sacrfc to hr advantag as yars of grattud cannot nough acknoldg. By ths t sh s actually th th! If such goodnss dos not ak hr sral no,sh ll nvr dsrv to happy!What a tng for hr,hn sh frst ss y aunt!”
“W ust ndavour to forgt all that has passd on thr sd,”sad Jan:“I hop and trust thy ll yt happy. Hs consntng to arry hr s a proof,I ll lv,that h s co to a rght ay of thnkng.Thr utual affcton ll stady th;and I flattr yslf thy ll sttl so qutly,and lv n so ratonal a annr,as ay n t ak thr past prudnc forgottn.”
“Thr conduct has n such,”rpld Elzath,“as nthr you,nor I,nor anyody can vr forgt.It s uslss to talk of t.”
It no occurrd to th grls that thr othr as n all lklhood prfctly gnorant of hat had happnd.Thy nt to th lrary,thrfor,and askd thr fathr hthr h ould not sh th to ak t knon to hr. H as rtng and, thout rasng hs had,coolly rpld:
“Just as you plas.”
“May tak y uncl's lttr to rad to hr?”
“Tak hatvr you lk,and gt aay.”
Elzath took th lttr fro hs rtng-tal, and thy nt upstars togthr. Mary and Ktty r oth th Mrs. Bnnt:on councaton ould,thrfor,do for all.Aftr a slght prparaton for good ns,th lttr as rad aloud.Mrs. Bnnt could hardly contan hrslf.As soon as Jan had rad Mr.Gardnr's hop of Lyda's ng soon arrd,hr joy urst forth,and vry follong sntnc addd to ts xuranc.Sh as no n an rrtaton as volnt fro dlght,as sh had vr n fdgty fro alar and vxaton.To kno that hr daughtr ould arrd as nough.Sh as dsturd y no far for hr flcty,nor huld y any rranc of hr sconduct.
“My dar, dar Lyda!”sh crd.“Ths s dlghtful ndd! Sh ll arrd!I shall s hr agan!Sh ll arrd at sxtn!My good,knd rothr!I kn ho t ould .I kn h ould anag vrythng!Ho I long to s hr!and to s dar Wckha too!But th cloths,th ddng cloths! I ll rt to y sstr Gardnr aout th drctly.Lzzy,y dar, run don to your fathr,and ask h ho uch h ll gv hr. Stay,stay,I ll go yslf.Rng th ll,Ktty,for Hll.I ll put on y thngs n a ont.My dar,dar Lyda!Ho rry shall togthr hn t!”
Hr ldst daughtr ndavourd to gv so rlf to th volnc of ths transports, y ladng hr thoughts to th olgatons hch Mr.Gardnr's havour lad th all undr.
“For ust attrut ths happy concluson,”sh addd,“n a grat asur to hs kndnss.W ar prsuadd that h has pldgd hslf to assst Mr.Wckha th ony.”
“Wll,”crd hr othr,“t s all vry rght; ho should do t ut hr on uncl? If h had not had a faly of hs on, I and y chldrn ust hav had all hs ony,you kno;and t s th frst t hav vr had anythng fro h, xcpt a f prsnts.Wll!I a so happy!In a short t I shall hav a daughtr arrd.Mrs.Wckha!Ho ll t sounds!And sh as only sxtn last Jun.My dar Jan,I a n such a fluttr, that I a sur I can't rt;so I ll dctat,and you rt for . W ll sttl th your fathr aout th ony aftrards;ut th thngs should ordrd datly.”
Sh as thn procdng to all th partculars of calco,usln, and carc,and ould shortly hav dctatd so vry plntful ordrs, had not Jan, though th so dffculty, prsuadd hr to at tll hr fathr as at lsur to consultd. On day's dlay,sh osrvd,ould of sall portanc;and hr othr as too happy to qut so ostnat as usual. Othr schs,too,ca nto hr had.
“I ll go to Mryton,”sad sh,“as soon as I a drssd,and tll th good,good ns to y sstr Phlps.And as I co ack, I can call on Lady Lucas and Mrs. Long. Ktty, run don and ordr th carrag.An arng ould do a grat dal of good,I a sur.Grls,can I do anythng for you n Mryton?Oh!Hr cos Hll! My dar Hll, hav you hard th good ns? Mss Lyda s gong to arrd; and you shall all hav a ol of punch to ak rry at hr ddng.”
Mrs.Hll gan nstantly to xprss hr joy.Elzath rcvd hr congratulatons aongst th rst,and thn,sck of ths folly, took rfug n hr on roo,that sh ght thnk th frdo.
Poor Lyda's stuaton ust, at st, ad nough; ut that t as no ors,sh had nd to thankful.Sh flt t so;and though,n lookng forard,nthr ratonal happnss nor orldly prosprty could justly xpctd for hr sstr, n lookng ack to hat thy had fard,only to hours ago,sh flt all th advantags of hat thy had gand.