
关灯 护眼
香书网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第133章


Th dscoposur of sprts hch ths xtraordnary vst thr Elzath nto, could not asly ovrco; nor could sh,for any hours,larn to thnk of t lss than ncssantly.Lady Cathrn, t appard, had actually takn th troul of ths journy fro Rosngs, for th sol purpos of rakng off hr supposd ngagnt th Mr.Darcy.It as a ratonal sch, to sur!ut fro hat th rport of thr ngagnt could orgnat,Elzath as at a loss to agn;tll sh rcollctd that hs ng th ntat frnd of Bngly, and hr ng th sstr of Jan,as nough,at a t hn th xpctaton of on ddng ad vryody agr for anothr, to supply th da. Sh had not hrslf forgottn to fl that th arrag of hr sstr ust rng th or frquntly togthr.And hr nghours at Lucas Lodg,thrfor(for through thr councaton th th Collnss,th rport,sh concludd,had rachd Lady Cathrn), had only st that don as alost crtan and dat,hch sh had lookd forard to as possl at so futur t.

In rvolvng Lady Cathrn's xprssons,hovr,sh could not hlp flng so unasnss as to th possl consqunc of hr prsstng n ths ntrfrnc.Fro hat sh had sad of hr rsoluton to prvnt thr arrag,t occurrd to Elzath that sh ust dtat an applcaton to hr nph; and ho h ght tak a slar rprsntaton of th vls attachd to a conncton th hr, sh dard not pronounc. Sh kn not th xact dgr of hs affcton for hs aunt,or hs dpndnc on hr judgnt,ut t as natural to suppos that h thought uch hghr of hr ladyshp than sh could do;and t as crtan that,n nuratng th srs of a arrag th on,hos dat connctons r so unqual to hs on, hs aunt ould addrss h on hs akst sd. Wth hs notons of dgnty, h ould proaly fl that th argunts, hch to Elzath had appard ak and rdculous, contand uch good sns and sold rasonng.

If h had n avrng for as to hat h should do,hch had oftn sd lkly, th advc and ntraty of so nar a rlaton ght sttl vry dout, and dtrn h at onc to as happy as dgnty unlshd could ak h.In that cas h ould rturn no or.Lady Cathrn ght s h n hr ay through ton;and hs ngagnt to Bngly of cong agan to Nthrfld ust gv ay.

“If, thrfor, an xcus for not kpng hs pros should co to hs frnd thn a f days,”sh addd,“I shall kno ho to undrstand t. I shall thn gv ovr vry xpctaton, vry sh of hs constancy.If h s satsfd th only rgrttng ,hn h ght hav otand y affctons and hand,I shall soon cas to rgrt h at all.”

Th surprs of th rst of th faly,on harng ho thr vstor had n, as vry grat; ut thy olgngly satsfd t, th th sa knd of supposton hch had appasd Mrs.Bnnt's curosty; and Elzath as spard fro uch tasng on th sujct.

Th nxt ornng,as sh as gong donstars,sh as t y hr fathr,ho ca out of hs lrary th a lttr n hs hand.

“Lzzy,”sad h,“I as gong to look for you; co nto y roo.”

Sh follod h ththr; and hr curosty to kno hat h had to tll hr as hghtnd y th supposton of ts ng n so annr connctd th th lttr h hld. It suddnly struck hr that t ght fro Lady Cathrn; and sh antcpatd th dsay all th consqunt xplanatons.

Sh follod hr fathr to th fr plac, and thy oth sat don.H thn sad,

“I hav rcvd a lttr ths ornng that has astonshd xcdngly.As t prncpally concrns yourslf,you ought to kno ts contnts. I dd not kno for, that I had to daughtrs on th rnk of atrony. Lt congratulat you on a vry portant conqust.”

Th colour no rushd nto Elzath's chks n th nstantanous convcton of ts ng a lttr fro th nph,nstad of th aunt;and sh as undtrnd hthr ost to plasd that h xpland hslf at all, or offndd that hs lttr as not rathr addrssd to hrslf;hn hr fathr contnud:

“You look conscous.Young lads hav grat pntraton n such attrs as ths;ut I thnk I ay dfy vn your sagacty, to dscovr th na of your adrr.Ths lttr s fro Mr. Collns.”

“Fro Mr.Collns!and hat can h hav to say?”
